Who are we?

'We create beautiful, functional communities and courses for areas of interest and at the same time support our local communities as a Social Enterprise'

- Ben Gale, Founder - Varoom Digital

Founded by Ben Gale, Varoom Digital develop online community focussed services for our dedicated groups.

We aim to provide engaging learning experiences and vibrant community centric experiences for our chosen subject matters.

Utilising the latest technology and over 20 years of technology industry experience Varoom Digital's first community was a software quality focussed experience, Quality Banter, directly associated to Ben's SME status.

Ben also pulls on his personal experiences with exercise challenges and health experiences in the development of the Sqwobble community.

Finally, Ben's enduring interest in all things gadget and tech come to the fore in the developing 'Creat.ive' channel.

We support Charities and Organisations through technology enablement

As a not for profit Social Enterprise we invest our surplus into community groups, schools, charities
for technological enhancements. Whether that is IT hardware, software, web development, or
network provision.

The Team


Memoji of Ben

Hi, I’m Ben. I’m the founder of Varoom.Media.

I’ve been a designer since I was at school, I started using graphic design elements from chocolate bar wrappers and I’ve been obsessed with design ever since.One of my main genre influences is Pop Art and specifically the artist Roy Lichtenstein which is reflected in some of my work.I’ve had a varied career. I fell out of love with art & design at college for a period of time, this led to me studying Computing & Geography at university, a heady mix!

I then started a 20 year IT career! My IT career developed my Project Management skills, and recognition of how the use of technology can really improve project delivery, Client review processes and development.

Throughout my IT career I’ve returned to my love of sketching, graphic design and web development and my IT skills have come in very useful for technical elements of web development and delivery. This allows Varoom Media to now provide a full end to end technical delivery for our clients.

Join us on our journey.

Our Kit and Tools

Adobe CC Creative Cloud logoMiro logoZeroheight logo
webflow logoTypeform logoFrame.io logoHootSuite logoSEMRush logoHelloPrint logo pngQuickbooks logoClickUp Project Management software - One app to replace them all.Memberstack logoAirtable logo